LVN To RN Programs In Los Angeles

Many men and women graduate from nursing school and become licensed as an LVN. Many nurses are content to remain LVNs, but many are not. There isn’t much opportunity to advance, if you are an LVN. Fortunately, as an LVN, you can further your nursing education and become licensed as a Registered Nurse after passing the licensing examination.

LVN to RN programs in Los Angeles are available; in fact you can take accelerated LVN to RN programs online. Most nurses, who are LVNs, can receive college credit for the coursework they took in LVN school. You would need to check with the school that you graduated from to see if your credits are transferable for an RN program. There are accredited LVN to RN programs in Los Angeles that allow you to study online for an LVN to BSN program. Years ago you would have had to be an RN already to get a BSN, but now LVNs can take advantage of the opportunity to further their careers through education. Most of the RN’s have already gone through ACLS training and Los Angeles AED training.
There are many reasons that LVNs would want to advance their careers to become registered nurses. Many LVNs have similar duties to RNs, but get only a fraction of the pay for the work they do. LVNs can be medicine nurses; they can be charge nurses in nursing homes, and they and be team leaders in hospitals and nursing homes, but they cannot do what RNs can do. One thing that won’t change is the need for ALL nurses to take CPR classes in West Hills.

RNs can become directors of nursing; RNs can work in some very prestigious jobs. RNs can further their education to become practitioners. For instance, RNs can become nurse anesthetists, and midwives. LVNs cannot move through the upper ranks like registered nurses can.

The hardest part, as an LVN, to become an RN is to make the decision and the commitment to advance your education. You may have to make some sacrifices, such as changing your work shifts as an LVN to accommodate your education schedule. If you are interested in accredited LVN to RN programs, do a search on the Internet, and go from there. Many offices that offer CPR certification Los Angeles also offer advanced nursing classes.

LVN to RN programs in Los Angeles are getting more popular. LPNs (Licensed Practical Nurses) or LVNs (Licensed Vocational Nurses) may want to upgrade their skills — and their paychecks by becoming RNs (Registered Nurses). LVN’s usually make $20K more per year after getting their RN. From being an LVN you may study and get your RN, RN with as associates degree or RN with a BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) degree.

After you have chosen whether you want the RN only or RN with a degree, your next decision is whether you want to take this online or in a classroom setting. Many experienced nurses prefer the online as they find that much of the classroom work may be things they already know from their years of clinical experience. If you choose the classroom setting, it is probably a familiar one to you. Sometimes having the teacher right there can be a factor in your success.

If you choose the online program, you will find you are able to work around your present job and other responsibilities and still go to school. In an online program, you often are assigned reading and then a test. You may be required to participate in online discussion groups. The teacher is available by email and sometimes by phone and chat. Make sure you are comfortable waiting for answers.

Your next decision is a choice of accredited LVN to RN programs in Los Angeles. One, Rue Education does not grant degrees — but does offer nursing educational materials that you can use to challenge CLEP (College Level Entrance Program) national exams. If you pass, you are granted credits that can be used toward your RN. They have been doing this for 20 years and offer interest free financing with no credit check. So, you would transfer the credit from CLEP to a college program since you cannot get your RN completely this way.

There are a lot of expenses to consider in your RN training. First the college tuition. $2,300- $16,500 depending on whether you are working on RN or RN with an associates or bachelors degree. This is why taking CLEP exams can lower the overall cost since each time you pass one, that is saving you tuition for one class you now don’t have to take. You also need books, uniforms, some medical equipment and usually proof of health insurance coverage. After you obtain your RN, you must pass the licensing test which costs around $200 to take.

Some colleges qualify for federal funding, such as student loans and Pell grants but some, like the Excelsior College LVN to RN program, do not. However your employer may pay some or all of your costs. You also need to see if your state accepts degrees from the college you have chosen. Not every state accepts every college. Some other US LPN to RN programs are Chamberlain College of Nursing and Indiana State University.

LVN to RN programs in Los Angeles Ca

There are many accelerated LVN to RN programs in Los Angeles Ca. These programs are offered by accredited colleges and provide LVNs the opportunity to advance their degrees to RN. The programs utilizes the previous education and experience of the LVN to accelerate the procurement of the higher degree. The RN degree allows more autonomy in practice and higher salaries.

Traditional LVN programs take approx. 12 months to complete and require that you attend a traditional community college. An RN degree can be obtained by attending a community college for an Associates Degree or a University for a Bachelor’s Degree. The Associates Degree takes approximately 2 years and the Bachelor’s Degree 4 years. The programs are costly and require attendance in traditional college classes. This can be difficult for LVNs who need to continue working while getting their RN degree.

There are many certified Southern California colleges to choose from when contemplating LVN to RN programs in Los Angeles Ca. Kaplan, University of Phoenix, Ashford University, Walden University and more. Each college has specific enrollment and course work requirements. You can choose to do the Associates Degree or the Bachelor’s degree program. The LVN can also achieve the Associate’s degree online then go back for the Bachelor’s degree.
Once you have chosen the college that works for you the transition into the program is easy. You can usually start at anytime and do not have to wait for specific semester time frames. The books and materials are mailed to you for each course and you submit your work via Internet. You will usually also be required to participate in online discussions and classes. Costs vary widely depending on the college and the type of degree you choose to pursue. The average cost for LVN to RN programs in Los Angeles Ca in 2014 was $19,000. The LVN to RN programs are self paced and can take as little as one year to as much as three years. A lot will depend on how long you have been an LVN, how long since you have attended college and obtained your LVN degree and any entrance exams that were required. Most programs also offer monthly payment plans which can tremendously benefit a person with limited disposable income. An advantage of the online LVN to RN education program is the self determined pace. It allows an LVN to continue to work and arrange their school time around that schedule. A disadvantage is lack of face to face instruction and a structured environment. However with the advent of online classrooms, chats and other forms of instant communication it makes it easier to share and clarify information. It is a great way to continue working while advancing your degree.